Saturday, September 16, 2006

Screenshot of my Life

Let me start this blog with a little bit of philosophy - my kind of philosophy

I am coming to believe that the more we know, the more there is to learn. One can never quit being a student, and if you do, you quit growing.The first and most important virtue of a student should be humility. You have to feel humble, think humble, speak humble and act humble. And it irritates me no end when someone does not behave humble.

This is what is happening with the people around me at work. We are all in a learning process, and if you are an expert you don't belong in the class room. I am doing installations. Many things creep up. The best and most accurate solutions to my queries are given by people who brag the least.

I hope I never lose my humility at any stage of my life.

I am looking forward to Ramadan. Will start wearing Hijab. I am excited and happy about my decision. I hope I find the strength to follow thru with it. This might be the biggest life style change I ever make. I hope God accepted my repentance for my sins. I am also happy with my prayers. At last I am praying regularly.

Sid is back. I told him about the Hijab and he told me 'If that makes you happy, do it'. And I think my prayers are being answered about making him get back on track with his spirituality . He is also thinking about reclaiming his faith. He admitted to it and asked if I had anything to do with it. I said yes, I have been hoping and praying for it for a year now.

And I have a lot of proving to do. At work a couple of people are in not so many words challenging me. I am learning but I want to be good enough to out do them. I hope God gives me the strength, the will and the patience.

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