Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Vice

One of my many Vices, which I have always had but never thought about as much is my tendency to complain and complain and complain some more.

My work is going good, but it has its own set of ridges. Not the work itself, I am kind of enjoying it, but the people I work with. I am starting to hate lazy, ignorant people. And I recognize this is not a good thing.I think I am getting more and more impatient with people who do not match my expections. Intellectually and otherwise. It seems like the only people I admire anymore are people who work hard, who are intelligent, smart and always on top of things. It is one thing to admire such people, but to dislike others is not a good.

I think I should start making a concious effort to be extra nice to anyone and everyone. Because all these negative feelings are not doing me any good either. I hear myself complaining a lot. To anyone and everyone within hearing distance. That cant be good. I keep continuing that, ppl will dislike me like I dislike some.

God, give me the strength and patience to fix myself.

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