Monday, March 23, 2009

Rating, Grading and all that good stuff

I like numbers. I like to quantify everything. I like to plan in terms of numbers. Even my thoughts are bullet points with numbers. One other thing I like to do with numbers is rate.

In this spirit how does one rate a person. How do I rate me. Besides what are the standards. If I am the standard maker most things around me would be sub par. Most people would be sub par. The same standards applied to me would make me subpar.

Then can the standards be rigged. Can I cheat or should I consider myself subpar. For example I consider the following qualities desirable or likable in my opinion:

1. Intelligence
2. Being articulate
3. Goal oriented
4. Charm
5. Cannot be stereotyped
6. Fit
7. Authoritative
8. Ambitious
9. Free of all complexes
10. Humorous

I have only 5 of these 10 qualities. Would this make me subpar in my own opinion or am I compromising when it comes to me.

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