Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Get me a duct tape -- For my mouth

Really ! I cant believe myself. How stupid am I. Do u remember the list I made a couple of days ago. Well, I broke the rule. Big time. With the most unlikely of people. Dr.M. I met him today to give him the hard copy of my thesis and paper. He went over it quickly and then for some strange reason I begin to rant. It was as if I needed approval. That I am moving on with life. I told him about Mr.K , Mrs.K and for some reason gave the impression that things are settled. And then he advised me about family life. It felt good. It was like speaking to my dad.

But why did I do that. It was almost fabrication. Why am I seeking approval. And added to that Mrs.K isn't coming, only Mr.K. I don't care. But when I told my parents, there reaction unsettled me. They were not happy. And I know why. They have this feeling that a young guy will judge me based only on my looks and elders would go deeper than that.

U know what's sad. It is all boiling down to my looks. And no I am not complaining. I get, my parents anxiety. But, it is just so unfortunate.Yes, I also judge ppl by their looks. But however unfair it may seem, I don't want anyone judging me by the way I look.

Unfair Huh! So is life !

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