Monday, July 31, 2006

Perverts - An unpleasant encounter

I am becoming more and more skeptical of the real world. It is making me very catious and nervous.

Thanks to my ad for a place to live on a website frequented by desis, I have all sorts of ppl calling me,IMing and emailing.

Yesterday a very weird person called. When he first started speaking my share of the rent was $650 and at the end of the conversation it was $270. Wondering what happened in those few mins.

Well after a couple of minutes into the conversation he started speaking dirty. In the beginning I thought he was joking. But my God, havent heard anyone more desperate. I wanted to politely end the conversation (Silly me!) and had to finally hang up.

Why do such people exist? I wouldnt want to find myself within a 1 mile radius of such people. Is it possible. This is what scares me the most. I would not say all men are like this. But there are quite a few. And this is not my first encounter. Spme people seem to be interested in nothing more. And all this when I am not even good looking. I sometimes pity the pretty ones. Or is it me. Am I doing something wrong. I think I should change the way I speak. A little more to the point. No point in trying to be friendly with total strangers.

I spoke to a lady who wants to take a paying guest in her family home. I hope it works out. I hope it doesnt come to me having to live with a Guy.Yuck!!!

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